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Education & Neurodiversity

Data-Driven Decisions to Identify Supports and Placement Needs

Care Navigation Module
The comprehensive Intake that asks all the right questions

Care Navigation guides you to identify behavioral needs, supports needed for your classroom setting, and recommends referrals to specialists. This model aims to improve the decisionmaking process of educational institutions as it relates to placement and individualized education plan creation, by asking all the questions that are important immediately.

KnowYeti: AI Powered Interactions with Student Records
Make students IEPs and documents come alive

KnowYeti is an AI powered, interactive educational decision support tool that enables you to interact with a patients entire document history. Imagine a colleague with a perfect photographic memory that you can ask anything about your students history, or performance. Ask any direct questions, build timelines, summarize reports or create your own reports in minutes rather then hours. That is the power of KnowYeti.

Supports & Placement
Determine the least restrictive envoironment

By combining the results of our Care Navigation Module with KnowYeti's ability to chat with you about your students, we're giving you a software that helps you determine the best support needs given your unique classroom settings, thereby helping you place students into the least restrictive envoironment. You upload your unique criteria for placement and KnowYeti will do the rest.

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