Our Clients See Immediate Value From Our Solutions
Autism Treatment Clinics
With 25+ years of experience in Autism treatment our software was built by BCBA's with the mission to create meaningful patient outcomes based on unbias data. Our solutions are designed to guide and support clinicians to ask the right questions up front, review the information that is important and build treatment goals that have a meaningful impact on the lifes of families.
Educational Organizations
Uncover the transformative power of Knowetic in identifying the least restrictive environments for every learner. With instant IEP and record reviews through KnowYeti, we're setting a new standard in personalized education. Experience how our technology streamlines support and placement, fostering a thriving learning space. Dive in to learn more.
Targeted Case Management
Enhance Targeted Case Management with Knowetic, equipped with KnowYeti’s instant document review for unparalleled insight. Our platform provides the tools for standardized intake and medical review, empowering customers with the means for more effective coordination. Dive into how Knowetic’s innovative features can optimize your approach to care.
Healthcare Hubs
Revolutionize healthcare hubs with Knowetic, featuring KnowYeti for swift, in-depth document analysis. Our platform delivers key tools for standardized intake and insightful medical reviews, empowering hubs to streamline operations and improve patient outcomes. Discover how Knowetic transforms healthcare management.